Detox Liquid

  • Health & vitality: Detox Liquid promotes liver and kidney function, supports new liver cell formation and cell regeneration, helps with detoxification, increases energy through natural tocopherols.
  • Effective ingredients: Contains milk thistle with silymarin and silibinin for liver regeneration and cell renewal.
  • High quality: Food supplements produced in Austria, manufactured with experience and love for animals.
  • Made in Austria: Kröpfel stands for premium quality, with a focus on animal health, using carefully selected raw materials.
  • Product details: 1000ml, for horses, dogs, cats, rodents, birds, rich in protein & vitamin E, promotes liver and kidney regeneration, cold-pressed, in dosing bottle.
  • Application: Recommended for performance and competition horses, after medical treatments, during the competition and racing season.

A healthy animal is a happy animal! Add 30 to 50 ml daily to the feed.


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Delivery time 2 – 4 working days

Kostenloser Versand ab € 99,- Bestellwert

Dr. Matthias Baumann Detox Liquid

Bei Leber- und Nierenproblemen hilft unser DETOX Liquid und regt gleichzeitig die Zellerneuerung an. Mit dem Sylimarin aus der Mariendistel und dem natürlichen Tocopherol/Vitamin E helfen wir der Leber und Niere bei der Regeneration

Dr. Matthias Baumann


Detoxify your body – gain energy

For many of us, it is important that we keep our horse fit.
Especially in competitive sport.
Supplying horses with minerals and electrolytes is important for everyone, but in order to have these substances readily available in the body, it is important that we also prepare it for them. With this new product we use the power of milk thistle and the sylimarin it contains to initiate a gentle detoxification. The natural vitamin E in it helps with cell renewal to support regeneration at the same time.

We recommend feeding Kröpfel Detox after or with every medical treatment and during the competition and racing season.
Simply add 30 to 50 ml to the feed.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

1 l

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